Monday 25 October 2010

An Appeal.. 25th October 2010

Hi Everyone!

My husband and I visited Rishis home yesterday to see how the progress of his health is going.
I could not get any pictures coz at home as well he is in a sterile room , where only his mother is allowed to go, not even Mr.Prakash. He has an attached washroom there itself and watches television all day. Food is given to him inside .

We had a long chat with Mr.Prakash about all the expenses that have happened till date and are going to happen furthermore.
He did mention that till now , the debt that is on him is nearly to the tune of 15 Lkahs!

This man earns just 13 thousand per month from the job that he does. He has a 5 member family, including himself.
He has a younger daughter who goes to school (grade 5) , Rishi at the moment is obviously on a break from school.
Rishis medication per month is nothing less than 20- 25 thousand as they are imported medicines and are not sold in the hospital.

Rishis treatment/follow ups will gpo on for another year minimum.

At the least ,We now need to help this family , with the following :

*/ Payment of the family’s obligations (loans) [including the one taken to pay the final hospital bill] which is approximately 15 lakhs

*/ The cost associated with Rishi’s monthly maintenance i.e. ensuring he gets a good diet, sterile living conditions and his transport to the hospital (considerably far from his house).

*/ The cost of the medicines which are not being covered by the hospital. This is quite an amount approx 20-25k monthly.

*/ Making sure Rutuja does not suffer or is at a loss for basic necessities in the bargain.

PS- Yesterday, their mother mentioned that Rutuja is defnitely feeling neglected and has even questioned them , "Mummy when will life be happy and normal again" ...

That line touched not only my heart , but my soul.
This is an appeal to all of you , to please please spread the word and try and collect as much funds as possible to help this family.
Now that we have taken these few steps, lets all go the full 9 yards and do whatever it is in our capacity to help...
Prayers definitely need to go on...

Thank you for everything..

In love,gratitude and prayer, always,

PS- we have all the bills and reports needed for this from the hospital .

Thursday 21 October 2010

Update_22nd October 2010

I feel so happy to write this to all of you. This is by far the best day :)

Rishi was discharged yesterday. Everything went off smoothly by the good Lords grace.
He is clear by 99.2% :)

He reached home at 8:00 pm last night.

I spoke to Mr.Prakash this morning , and forgive me for repeating myself, but he was sounding very very relieved and very very happy :) God bless them all, always.

Rishi had dinner at home last night after very long. He slept well and peacefully :)
This morning he woke up early , showered and was watching Tv and having breakfast when i spoke with Mr.Prakash.:)

I will try and go see him this weekend and get more pics for you all :).Clearer ones :) as now he is not in the sterile room or hospital so i can merrily click away :)

Lets all continue the prayers that he continues to be well and improves on a daily basis.
His post discharge treatment will go on for nearly a year more which will also cost approximately a lakh and a half.

Just a note for those of you who need the receipts - we have them now. Will be posting them soon.
For the ones who are in Pune, pls let me or Mr.Ramdas know .Thank you once again for everything, you all :)

Lots of Love and Light,
In Prayer, love and gratitude, always,

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Great News Folks! :)

Our Prayers are definitely working :)

I am soo soo happy! :)

Rishi is getting discharged from hospital tomorrow - THURSDAY :)

I just spoke to Mr.Prakash. There was definitely a relief in his voice. God Bless them all.

He said the report from Blore is here and Rishi has accepted Rutujas marrow , 96% , the rest 4% will be good in 4 - 5 days, docs say!
This is by far the best news in the last few months.
Our Little warrior has nearly won his battle :)

The docs also mentioned that this process of acceptance and healing takes almost 6 months for everyone , but in Rishis case, don't we all know who is behind this miracle :)

Mr.Prakash will be sending us a scanned copy of all the details which the doctor will give him ,along with the medication and expenses which will be needed post discharge, soon.

Till then , we definitely need to keep our prayers on for this family and help them win this verrryy soon! :)

Thank you all for everything! God Bless you all!

Sairam. :)

In love, gratitude and Prayer, always

Sunday 17 October 2010

Update_17th October 2010.

Good news folks!

Just after a few minutes of writing the previous blog post, Mr.Prakash called in.

For the first time i heard him SO happy.

Rishis counts have more or less come to normal.. his WBC, platelet and Hemoglobin count.

They are shifting him out of the sterile room this afternoon. He mentioned that even the doctor was very happy and seeing that he has confidence our little man is definitely winning this battle and going home soon.

This is all the good lords work, our prayers are definitely being heard and are working so please please keep them on.

Thank u sooo much everyone for everything :)
I cant stop thanking God :)

May he bless everyone and be with everyone always, specially Rishi and his family.

Mr.Prakash has wished everyone a very happy Dusshera and thanked everyone too. :)

Happy Dusshera to each one of you!:)

In love,gratitude and prayer, always,


Saturday 16 October 2010

Update_17th October 2010

HI All,
As of now Rishi is stable.He is even eating and enjoying watching his favourite game , cricket on television.
His blood will go to Blore to test for Cancer in another 2 days.
Please let us all pray verryy hard that all is ok in that report.
His platelet count is still low.
The doctors say these fluctuations keep happening.. But i still think we need to keep the prayers on.

Will keep you all posted once i know more.

Thank you for everything.

In love, gratitude and prayer, always,


Thursday 14 October 2010

Update_14th October 2010

Hi Everyone,
Mr Prakash just called a while ago.

Rishis platelet count is still low. He needs some blood .

Mr. Prakash has given his blood which has now gone for filtration, after which, it will be given to Rishi.

The doctors say this happens normally. Nothing much to worry about.

But i just think and feel , all of us need to pray harder .

Will keep you all updated on what happens next.

In love,gratitude and prayer,always


Monday 11 October 2010

Update _12th Oct 2010


Just spoke to Mr Prakash.

Rishis blood/platele count has gone low; but the docs say this fluctuation happens for sometime.
Nothing major to worry about ; but i'd say .. nothing to stop praying about.
Please, Please keep the prayers on and lets see Rishi out of there real soon.

They are giving him one bag of blood today ; as i write this, and it will be tested again tomorrow to monitor the progress.

Can't thank everyone enough for the support in cash and kind. Please keep the word going.

In love,gratitude and prayer, always,


Sunday 10 October 2010

Update _10/10/10

Hi Everyone ,

Last evening was a very fulfilling one.

My husband and I went to meet our little warrior ; Rishi and his father, Mr.Prakash.

Rishi is quite stable by the grace of God.

Mr. Prakash mentioned that he believes this is a miracle of sorts.
Every person who undergoes what Rishi has gone through has major side effects/ reactions after the treatment.
It is a very testing and challenging time;in most cases, its as major as the failur of the liver, kidney etc; but our little man , Rishi, touch wood , by HIS grace , is fit and fine.. except for a few mouth ulcers as mentioned earlier.

Mr. Prakash could not stop thanking us.
We were very humbled and told him this is not us but God working through us. We are mere instruments in his hands.

He introduced us to a fried of his , Mr. James , who he said has been with him since some time now. He has been a pillar of strength to Mr Prakash emotionally.
He was also one of the people who helped him shift to Sahayadri hospital , which definitely deserves a mention , Dr.Apte has been fantastic with Rishi and a BIG Thank you to him too,as without him this would not have been possible.

Mr James narrated to us how he also feels its all a miracle , as Rutuja who is a little girl had the patience to be on that drip while donating her marrow for Rishi.
She is like any normal child who is jumping around all the time full of energy, but that day she was overtaken by a divine power. She lay there still and patiently and did not even once say she wanted to get up or even visit the washroom.

Mr. James noticed something in that room that day.
A small "literature" (as he put it) by Sathya Sai Baba . :) and was convinced... it was HE who is behind the scenes here and repeatedly thanked the good lord for all his blessings.

Also a special thank you to all those who have made it possible to give this child a new life.
They spoke about how when Rishi grows up they hope and pray he also helps children/people with new lives and realizes what he has gone through too.

Rishis blood will be tested again today ; and then if all is well he will be shifted to a special room. He will be there for sometime , after which he will be under observation again for sometime. He might need some blood from his parents if his platelet count is less.

After he gets discharged, hopefully 3 weeks from now, he would have to visit the hospital daily for regular check ups.This will be then reduced to once in 3 days , then once in a week, to once in a month.
Slowly , but steadily, our little warrior will win this battle! :)

Below is a video , where Mr Prakash talks about how he wants to thank god for everything and how he also thinks this is a miracle.

Also below , are 2 pics of Rishi which i could click from outside the sterile room as we were not allowed inside.

Thank you to everyone for everything. We are still collecting funds to help this family. Please do pass on the word and contact us for any assistance needed.

In love, gratitude and prayer, always,


Friday 8 October 2010

Update _October 9th 2010

HI All,

Mr. Prakash just called in.
Rishi is coping well. His blood count has increased, by the grace of the good lord.

He has ulcers in the mouth as a side effect of the treatment as of now , but the docs say thats nothing much to worry about.

He will be kept under observation for some more time , and as mentioned earlier, his blood will be tested again soon.

Please keep the prayers on and spread the word so that we get more and more funds coming in.

A very big thank you to everyone who has contributed in cash as well as prayers, without which we would not be on the path where we are.

In love, gratitude and prayers,always,

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Update 7th October 2010


Rutuja will start school tomorrow :)

Rishi is doing fine as of now. The doctors say , we will see reactions only after the 7th day .

His blood will be tested after the 7th day too and that's when we will know how well he has accepted the transfusion or otherwise.

He will also need some more blood which his parents will donate then.

Will update as and when i get to know more.

Needless to say, please keep the prayers on , we are almost there... :)

In love, gratitude and prayers, always,


Tuesday 5 October 2010

Update 5th Oct 2010


Rutuja (Rishis sister) is back home and doing well by Gods grace. She has some minimal medication given to her.

Rishis condition in the hospital is also stable by Gods grace. Lets all wish him a speedy recovery and hope he responds well.

Keep the faith! Keep the prayers on! :)

In love, gratitude and Prayer, always,


Monday 4 October 2010

Transfusion done_4th October 2010

Hello Everyone,

The transfusion is finally done. It started at 9:00 am this morning and got done at 7:00 pm this evening! Yes! That long.

Now , we have to just wait and watch as to how Rishi responds to it. The doctor has mentioned that there will be side effects. Lets only pray and hope they are not severe.

His sister is doing fine by the good lords grace.

I will keep this space posted as and when i get any kind of news.

We still need to collect around 50 K for this. Everyone , reading this, please pass the message on.

Thank you for all your support and needless to say , please keep the prayers on.

In love, gratitude and Prayer, always,


Sunday 3 October 2010

Transfusion tomorrow_update 3rd Oct 2010

Hello Everyone!

THE DAY is here!
Rishi and his sister both are in the hospital.
The transfusion will take place tomorrow morning,starting 7:00 am.

Mr Prakash sounded very tense. Please do pray that the good lord give him and the family all the strength they need in these tough times.

I personally do believe , and i am sure most of you will agree, "If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it" .. and that's what I tried to explain to Mr Prakash to try and give him some strength.

The transfusion takes several hours (7-8) , he said. Rishis sister will take a day to recover from it.About Rishi he said he will know once the transfusion is done and is successful.

It is a humble request to each one of you reading this, please, please please pray that Rishi wins this battle...He is a strong boy and deserves a long health life.I am so positive he will come through this :)

Thank you for all your support and please do keep the prayers on.

In love, gratitude and prayer always,